why take the risk?

"Why Take The Risk" Video Transcript

My name is Jeff, and if it isn’t already obvious I’m sure it will be in a minute that I am not a professional speaker or voiceover guy, so if you are expecting a really polished, professional presentation, I’ll just apologize right now because that isn’t happening.

All I am is just a normal guy who found some very disturbing information about a direct threat to your health and the health of your children, and decided to make this video.

The way it happened was I was scanning my personal news feed, which I created to focus on health related news, and saw a press release about a study just concluded, and I said to myself “this is going to be the top story on every news channel for the next 10 days.”

And you know what?  I was wrong.  Aside from a few posts on some health blogs, the media has completely ignored what I think is th kost important health news of the year.

So I made this video so you can decide for yourself how important this is.

Over the next few minutes I’ll tell you about that study, and tell you how to confirm on your own every word spoken in this video about the study and some related studies from a few years back, then give you some steps you can take starting right now if you decie you want to eliminate this threat to your kids once and for all.

And if it’s okay with you, I’d like to respect the value of your time, skip a bunch of foundational stuff, and just get right to the heart of the matter.

So in late March of 2024, Case Western University released the findings of a long term study of 1800+ chemicals and chemical compounds that are found in all sort of products that we all use in our home and workplace every single day.

You know the kind of chemicals we’re talking about here: they have 75 letters in their names and no one on the planet knows how to pronounce them. If you’re not sure what I mean, look at the ingredient list on a bottle of shampoo.

We all just assume these chemicals are safe because the government would never let companies put something  dangerous into products designed for our personal use, right?

Turns out we are all wrong about that one.

This study found two commonly used ingredients that did serious damage to the brains of the test subjects, which in this case were lab rats, chosen because these rodents have a great many biological and genetic similarities to humans.  So if it goes wrong in a rat, it will likely go wrong in a human.

The one ingredient identified that is of greatest concern to pretty much everyone who reads this study is called Quarternary Ammonium Compounds, or QUATS for short.

These QUATS are used almost universally by companies that make beauty products like shampoos, conditioners, mousses, gels, moisturizers;  personal care products such as deodorants, hand sanitizers, medicated ointments, baby wipes; cleaning products such as laundry detergent, fabric softeners, surface and floor cleaners, air fresheners, and even some specific use products like upholstery cleaners, denture cleaners, contact lens solutions and dozens of other examples.

In all honesty, if your home is a normal American home, you and your children likely come into contact with QUATS a dozen or more times a day, every single day.

So what’s the big deal about QUATS?

Scientists found that exposure to QUATS caused the Oligodendrocytes in your brain to die.

Oligodendrocytes are the part of the brain that creaste a protective wrap called a Myelin Sheath which protects the Axons found within the brain.

If none of that makes sense, don’t worry.  Think of it this way.

Axons are the components that carry instructions through the brains from one point to another.

A great analogy would be to say the Axons are the wiring of the brain, and the Myelin Sheath is the rubber or plastic coating wrapped around the wire to protect it.  If the protective coating around an electrical wire is stripped away, bad things can happen to the products that are powered by that wire.  They can short out, they can catch fire, they can even stop working altogether.

It’s the same with the brain.

The Oligodendrocytes die and the protective wrapper (the Myelin Sheath) dies off as well, exposing the Axons to the other element of the brain.  This can create the brain version of a short circuit of its own, and they call those short circuits Autism, Multiple Sclerosis, and Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (also known as ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease).

Now the researchers were honest in saying that while they can prove that QUATS kill the Oligidendrocytes, and the death of Oligodendrocytes and the Myelin Sheaths can in fact lead to Autism, MS and ALS, just to name a few, more studies are needed in order to confirm these findings (which, by the way, were Peer Reviewed and the results found to be in accord with generally accepted research protocols…which is a fancy way of saying other doctors and scientists read the studies and said they were legit).

So now you know there is a legitimate study conducted at a well-known medical institution by respected doctors and scientists, which found we are all slathering a very dangerous chemical compound on our bodies and the bodies of our children, multiple times per day which can lead to some serious, long lasting and potentially deadly neurological conditions.

Those facts alone should have you runnng for your cupboards to start idetifying and tossing out all the QUAT laden products in your home.

But let me throw one more thing in to remove any doubt about the findings of this study and what it means to all of our lives.

There are three dates I want you to keep in mind: 1900, 1950 and 2023.

In 1900, 1 out of every 10,000 children born in the US were diagnosed with autism.

In 1950, 6 out of every 10,000 children born in the US were diagnosed with Autism, and doctors at the time credited the rise in the number from 1 to 6 as the result of better diagnostic tools used by doctors to diagnose autism. In other words, thre were always likely 6 kids out of 10,000 with autism. Doctors just lacked the tools in 1900 to properly diagnose them.

In 2023, 1 out of every 44 children born in the US were diagnosed with Autism (which is now classified as “landing or being on the Autism Spectrum”).

That is a 22,600% increase in cases from 1900 to 2023.

That sort of increase is mind-boggling.

Or at least it is until you learn that it was in the 1950s that the US Government, by way of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved QUATS for use both as a product additive AND a pesticide suitable for sale to and use by American citizens.

So beginning in the 1950s, we all began the act of self-poisoning ourselves and our families, even though at the time it likely never entered anyone’s mind that such a thing was even possible.

And as the years progresed, more and more kids every single year were diagnosed as Autistic.

For the last couple of decades as the Autism diagnosis rose to unbelieveable heights, parents began questioning how this could be happening and many began looking for an outside source as the cause for their children to go from happy and healthy one day to Autistic the next, seemingly without any warning.

These parents were mocked and in many cases ostracized from their communities.

Now it seems they may have been on to something after all.

There is a chemical compound that now appears to be behind this exploding number of Autism cases.

It’s called Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.

And every time you use a product that exposes your children to another dose of QUATS, you are gambling that their little bodies can handle it and not cause them to develop any sort of lasting neurological condition.

So what can you do about it?

The first step should be pretty obvious.

You need to get this poisonous crap out of your house. And the sooner the better.

Before you start tossing out the contents under your kitchen sink and in your bathroom, you need to know that QUATS are just the tip of the toxic iceburg.  There are also products that contain pthalates, parabens, phosphates, formaldehyde,  ammonia and chlorine bleach.

These other products have all been linked through other legitimate studies to such conditions as Childhood Asthma, COPD, ADHD, breast cancer and a host of other diseases and conditions.

So when you start tossing out the toxins, make sure you toss them ALL!

But you’re going to need to replace all those dangerous products, and there are two ways to go about it.

One way is to get online using Google (or some other search engine) and start researching alternative products to the ones you disposed of.  Make sure they are free of all of those chemicals and compounds mentioned above.  Make sure you bookmark where you found these  products, and don’t be surprised if a product you like is discontinued, because companies that make safer versions of these toxic products you’ve been buying tend to come and go seemingly overnight.

Or you can try the other way.

The other way is simply filling out the form at the side or below this video and asking for us to send you an invitation to join our Health and Wellness shopping club.

Our club has more thsn 400 products and is designed to be a one-stop shop for all your safe, natural and toxin-free shopping. Our prices are about the same as what you’ve been paying in the stores for the toxic versions of these products, and in some cases our prices are even lower.

You can shop online in the convenience of your own home, and because we have factories and shipping depots across the country, we can have your order to your front door in 48-72 hours in most cases.

If you have an infant at home, we have an entire line of Baby Care products that are all natural, designed to keep your baby clean and happy, and which allow you to immeidately discard any suspect brands you may be using now.

All our products come with a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee, so you really have no risk at all.

So, as we say around here, WHY TAKE THE RISK?  Why gamble with the current and future health of your children when you have a cost-effective alternative that has been proven over time to work as well, if not better, than the toxic products you are exposing your children to right now?

Fill out the form and let us show you how to instantly transform your home into the safe, toxin-free environment you and your family deserve.   Fill ourt the form, click “Sign Me Up” and let’s get started.


Take the next step. Fill in the form below and let us send you the invitation to join our shopping club and transform your home into a toxin-free safe space using all natural, safe and effective products.